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Prenatal Yoga

Shakti Yoga Method Prenatal Yoga Classes


    Jan 7 – Feb 25 (Tues 7-8:15pm): IN PERSON SOLD OUT
    May 6-June 24 (Tues 7-8:15pm): Registration Open


    The St. John’s Royal Regatta Boathouse, 10 Clancy Drive, St. John’s, NL.   Live Stream option also available.


    IN STUDIO: $176 + HST ($202.40) CAD
    LIVE STREAM: $160 + HST ($184.00) CAD


    Eight 60 minute classes.
    Access to each class topic recording for one week.
    Weekly affirmations, journaling tips, helpful links.
    Local birth stories.
    A full prenatal and birth education series woven each weekly movement class.


    Space is limited. Click the link below to register and reserve a space for you and baby. *Payment is non-refundable. Once payment is received space is held for you and baby in each class and registration will be closed for that spot.

Private yoga sessions are also available. Contact for more information.

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Prenatal Yoga

  • Prenatal Yoga

Who is This Class For?

Expectant parents from 12 weeks to delivery

About The Class

The Shakti Prenatal Yoga Method doubles as a prenatal fitness class, and a birth readiness program. Moms are prepared to approach birth and motherhood with calm and confidence. Each class begins with a birth preparation topic, followed by a series of yoga movements and breath practices, and ends with a guided relaxation session. These calming and strengthening prenatal classes are designed to optimize expectant mothers’ physical and mental health while promoting the bond between mother and child. Breathing exercises are emphasized throughout the class to calm the mind, and prepare the body for delivery. Each movement is carefully chosen to stretch and strengthen muscles needed to support the body during pregnancy and childbirth. Yoga maneuvers to encourage baby into ideal birth position, and to tone and create range of motion in the muscles that support the pelvis, including the pelvic floor, are highlighted. The Shakti Yoga Method’s combination of carefully curated physical, mental, and emotional preparation techniques is an extremely effective and proven program for enhancing quality of pregnancy and birthing experiences. Bobby now trains Shakti Yoga Method teachers worldwide to help women and parents everywhere prepare for beautiful, comfortable, and yes, even enjoyable, birthing. Bobby draws on more than 15 years of experience teaching prenatal yoga, providing birth doula services, and instructing childbirth education programs. She uses educational topics, and visualizations to deepen the impact of yoga postures and breath practices. This multi-faceted program was developed as she observed what skills, and birth preparation techniques were most effective in helping her birth doula clients to intuitively and joyfully birth their babies. Meet other birthing women and parentes, share your own experiences, and go home to the most deep and delicious sleep with baby. 

This class provides:

  • Yoga poses designed for Mom’s blossoming figure

  • Birth preparation techniques

  • Breathing exercises

  • Guided relaxation

  • A community of mom’s to be with whom to share experiences



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Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training


    June 7th & 8th 2025 (Sat/Sun) 9-5pm (Carbonear, NL)
    *Contact to host this training in your area.


    Carbonear, NL. In-Person at Balanced Life Studio and Spa (195 Water St. downtown Carbonear).
    Live stream option also available.


    $290 CAD+hst (333.50)


    2 days of lecture, discussion & practical application. A comprehensive yoga Nidra instruction manual is provided.


    Space is limited. Register now to reserve yours.

Register Now


Shakti Yoga teacher trainings and workshops are taught in various locations within Canada, and internationally. Host this workshop in your area and save the cost of travelling to learn. Please contact to discuss specific details on hosting this or other workshops and trainings.

Who’s This Program For?

  • Yoga Instructors who would like to incorporate this practice into their yoga instruction.
  • Yoga Instructors who are YA registered. Counts as 16 hours of CEUs for RYTs
  • Anyone working in health and wellness who would like to utilize yoga nidra as a tool to compliment their own practices.
  • Anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of this powerful guided meditation technique and bring it into their personal or professional lives.

  • Yoga Instructors who have completed the Shakti 40 hour prenatal yoga teacher training and are working toward 85 hour certification.

  • Grade School Teachers who would like to bring yoga nidra into the classroom as an effective way to ease anxiety, build confidence, enhance concentration skills and help children self regulation techniques.

About The Program

In this training you will explore the physiological, psychological and practical aspects of yoga nidra to develop a multi-faceted understanding of this powerful tradition.

Some topics covered in this two day intensive include:

  • Yoga nidra traditions
  • Neuroscience perspectives
  • Jungian archetypes
  • Modern variations of Yoga Nidra
  • Hypnosis concepts
  • Understanding your clients’ needs
  • Incorporating yoga nidra into asana classes
  • Yoga nidra for general audiences
  • Yoga nidra for special populations
  • Developing your own long and short scripts
  • Props and classroom settings
  • Practice putting learned skills into action
  • Developing a home yoga nidra practice
  • Includes a comprehensive manual, yoga nidra scripts for class usage, and MP3 Downloads for personal practice.

Program Requirements


No prior yoga or meditation experience required. Absolutely no physical pre-requisites. Anyone can benefit from bringing this practice into their profession, family, or personal practice.


Graduates will receive a certificate indicating they have successfully completed the Shakti Yoga Method 16 hour Yoga Nidra Teacher Training. This qualifies as 16 CEU hours with Yoga Alliance.

Certification Requirements include:

Attend ALL training session hours.



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Neurogenic Yoga

Shakti Yoga Method Neurogenic Yoga Classes


    Jan/Feb 2025 Session (7 Classes) : Jan 13- Feb 24
    May/June 2025 Session (8 Classes) : May 5- June 23


    The St. John’s Royal Regatta Boathouse, 10 Clancy Drive, St. John’s, NL


    Jan Session: 7 Classes $154 + HST ($177.10) CAD
    May Session: 8 Classes $169 + HST ($194.35) CAD


    Seven 60-minute classes held in a supportive environment with ample opportunity to connect with instructor to process or ask questions. Live stream option available *Instructor must be able to see and speak with student (if needed) during class Neurogenic sessions.


    Space is limited so register now and reserve yours (fee is prorated for enrollment mid-session). *Payment is non-refundable. Once payment is received a space will be held for you in each class and registration will be closed for that spot.

Private Neurogenic Sessions

Available for those who would like to experience neurogenic yoga in a private setting, or for those wanting to try a single session before deciding to join a class session. 

Investment: $120+hst (138.00). Covered by many insurance packages under Naturopath designation. Contact: for more information, to ask questions, or to book a date and time.

Who’s This Class For?

Neurogenic Yoga™ is especially suitable for those experiencing chronic pain, daily stress & long held tension, PTSD. It is also however an opportunity to simply shake off the stress from your day or week as a means of maintaining healthy nervous system balance.

About The Class

Neurogenic Yoga™ is a revolutionary technique to heal trauma and reduce stress. It combines yoga poses and breathing with the body’s body’s natural therapeutic shaking response. The human (and animal) nervous system has an instinctual shaking response that is genetically coded to help us discharge long-held tension and trauma. It is an unconscious muscle contraction that restores the body to wholeness after stressful or traumatic events.

Vibration and shaking in the body automatically occurs when the nervous system identifies threat. Unfortunately the negative social constructs that see shaking and tremoring, as showing vulnerability or weakness, mean that this innate release mechanism is conditioned out of us at a very early age. Neurogenic Yoga reawakens the body’s intrinsic release mechanism to optimize health and wellness.

Class will begin with a 30 minute series of movements. Modifications are offered to ensure this portion is suitable for all bodies and experience levels. Absolutely no yoga experience or ability is needed. These poses will stretch and tire the psoas, and other muscles that are involved in the contraction response that occurs when the nervous system experiences stress, or feels unsafe.

Yoga movements are followed by a lying posture that safely introduces neurogenic tremoring to release physical and emotional stress and tension. Vibration usually begins in the legs and may spread throughout the entire body to release long held tension. This method is based on Dr. David Berceli’s technique of Trauma Releasing Exercises® (TRE®).

This class provides:

Six 60 minute classes in a calm and supportive environment. 



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I just wanted to write you to tell you how much I enjoyed the Prenatal yoga class last night. I slept better last night than I did in weeks and I felt great after the class. I’m so glad I signed up!

Prenatal Couples Yoga

Shakti Yoga Method Prenatal Yoga Couples Class


    This is a single class usually placed at the end of a prenatal yoga session. Contact for info on the next class scheduled.


    Yoga Kula Cooperative (286 Torbay Rd St. John’s, NL). Live Stream option also available.


    $35+HST ($40.25) CAD per couple


    A single 75 minute yoga class for Mom and partner.


    Contact to be notified of the next scheduled session.

Private yoga sessions are also available. Contact for more information.

Who’s This Class For?

Expectant parents from 12 weeks to delivery.

About The Class

Bring your yoga partner whether he/she is dad, mom, nana, or close friend to your growing baby. Choose someone you are comfortable touching and being in close proximity with. Prenatal Couples Yoga is suitable for all experience levels and body types. Even absolute beginners will be able to enjoy this bonding evening of gentle stretches, strengthening movements, breath focus and relaxation. This is an evening of family wellness and connection. Go home feeling stronger, calmer and more in touch with your growing family circle.

This class includes:

  • Yoga poses for couples, designed for Mom’s blossoming figure

  • Birth preparation techniques

  • Breathing exercises

  • Guided relaxation

  • A community of parents-to-be with whom to share experiences



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Mom & Baby Yoga

Mom & Baby (Postnatal) Yoga


    Contact for information on upcoming sessions.


    Yoga Kula Cooperative, 286 Torbay Rd St. John’s, NL. Live stream option also available


    IN STUDIO: $168 + HST ($193.20) CAD.
    LIVE STREAM: $156 + HST ($179.40) CAD


    Twelve one-hour classes in a supportive environment for new moms and babies.


    Contact to be notified of the next scheduled session.

Private yoga sessions are also available. Contact for more information.







Who’s This Class For?

Moms who are six weeks postpartum and babies in their pre-crawling stage. 

About The Class

Moms spend time with their new baby while reconnecting with self and gently strengthening, toning and calming the postpartum body and mind. Each class strengthens and opens areas that need attention postnatally. Short pose series are taught so moms can incorporate yoga movements into five minute practices throughout their busy new-mommy days.

This class is a supportive environment to exchange experiences with new moms and introduce your baby to new friends. No need for a baby sitter or disrupting baby’s feeding schedule. 



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Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training

Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training


    Nov 15th, 16th, 22nd,23rd, 2025

    Space is limited. Registration form below.


    St. John’s, NL. In-person at 10 Clancy Drive, Quidi Vidi Boathouse. Live Stream Participation Option Available.


    $600+hst ($690) CAD. $200 deposit required upon registration


    Four days of lecture, Asana, Pranayama, Mantra, Marma massage, Practicum, Ayurvedic food and lifestyle choices. Tea and snack breaks provide instruction on using healing spices, herbs, and foods to promote healing.


    Space is limited so register now to reserver yours.

Register Now


Shakti Yoga teacher trainings and workshops are taught in various locations within Canada, and internationally. Host this workshop in your area and save the cost of travelling to learn. Contact to discuss specific details on hosting this or other workshops and trainings.

Who’s This Program For?

  • Yoga Practitioners who want to add the healing benefits of ayurveda to their lifestyles.

  • Teachers of yoga who want to learn how to use ayurveda to enhance to impact of their class instruction.

  • Anyone in healthcare or education with a desire to compliment their professional work with the vast wisdom of ayurveda, and pass on the benefits of this ancient practice to their clients, patients or students.

  • Anyone interested in understanding ayurveda, and learning how to use these ancient practices and remedies to enhance the wellness of themselves and their families.

About The Program

Ayurveda is the world’s oldest holistic healing system. It is commonly referred to as yoga’s sister science. This is logical as both philosophies view our body, our senses, and the world we live in, as manifestations of the foundational fabric of the universe. Ayurveda teaches how to perceive, and manipulate these basic cosmic energies to maintain and restore wellness. When used in combination with yoga practices, ayurvedic insights empower instructors to develop classes that are more robust and intuitive. Teachers are able to tune in to a classes’ specific needs by utilizing knowledge of natural cycles, and the ever-changing impact of environment on well-being.

Despite the enormous potential benefits of merging these two sciences, bringing the wisdom of ayurveda into a yoga asana class remains elusive for many yoga teachers, and ayurvedic practioners alike.

This four day teacher training program introduces the underlying basis of ayurvedic theory, and how it can be practically incorporated into a yoga asana class for a more effective overall wellness impact. The detailed and robust understanding of the gunas (fundamental energies that make up the universe) provided in this training lay the ground work for effectively utilizing dosha assessments, understanding the ever shifting individual & group needs of a class, and choosing asana, pranayama, meditation, and mudra, choices through the lens of ayurvedic teachings.

Curriculum Includes:

  • Orientation to ayurveda philosophy and origins.

  • Ayurvedic perspectives on disease and healing.
  • How to design a yoga class sequence to balance each dosha (vata, pitta, kapha)
  • Specific asana for each type of dosha imbalance.
  • Incorporating time of day, seasons and other cycles into class design.
  • Pranayama for dosha balance.
  • Mantra and mudra for dosha balance.
  • Extensive study of the gunas, and how to utilize them in a yoga class.
  • Doshas, constitution quizzes and applications.
  • Subtle body topics such as vayus and chakras and their ayurvedic yoga applications.
  • Ayurvedic Diet and lifestyle. We will study how to make ghee, kitchari, and various dosha balancing and healing teas.
  • Basic marma points that can be utilized in a yoga class to balance doshas.
  • Techniques for incorporating peripheral ayurvedic practices, such as aromatherapy and gem stones, into private and group asana classes to enhance yoga pose impact.

Program Requirements


No prior yoga or ayurveda knowledge required. Must be interested in yoga asana, lifestyle, and ayurvedic approaches to wellness. Contact to find out how this program can be used to enhance your life.


Graduates will receive a certificate showing they have successfully completed the 40hr Shakti Yoga Method Ayurvedic Teacher Training. Applicable for Yoga Alliance CEUs.

Certification Requirements include:

  • Attend ALL training session hours

  • Submit Ayurvedic Yoga Class plan

  • Do one peer class exchange via Zoom and submit feedback forms



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