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Author: Todd

Tracy Mills

The detail surrounding the biological, psychological background of the practice as well as the material and practices were helpful. I now feel more comfortable with the language and inspired to be more creative. Your passion and excitement for the practice was also inspiring.

Megan Humphry

It was a blissful weekend. I have heard so many wonderful things about this training and a couple friends told me that even if I never teach a single minute of Yoga Nidra, the weekend is a delicious treat you can give yourself – they were not wrong.


The information was presented in an easy to understand format that could easily by understood by anyone. I plan to incorporate Yoga Nidra into my Massage Therapy sessions to help my clients become more aware of their bodies, manage their pain, and relax deeper.

Tina Pomroy

This is such a good training. It is great for parents, teachers, counsellors, mental health professionals, and of course yoga teachers. I sometimes teach a full Yoga Nidra class. But I also use it within other classes and retreats, for myself when I have trouble sleeping or I am stressed, and for my 8-year-old daughter when she has trouble going to sleep. I have even taught it to work groups and teens with barriers to employment. I am biased – I love this stuff and I love Bobby Bessey, but I think everyone would benefit from this training.

Raelene White

I debated taking this yoga training session for over a year. I just didn’t feel I was “enough”… Maybe some of you felt this way? I wasn’t “flexible enough”, ” meditative enough”, ” spiritual enough”, ” thin enough”… Just generally not “yoga enough”. But I took a leap of faith and grabbed the opportunity to grow and am very glad that I did. Bobby and Meaghan were welcoming and supportive. They helped me, and I am sure all of us, to see that each of us has something special we can offer, that maybe someone else can’t. Our life experiences have shaped who we are and will help us each bring something valuable to share with our students.

I learned that there is no perfect yoga pose, or that I have to be able to do every yoga pose perfectly, to share the love of yoga with others. I guess they helped me let go of ego and judgement of myself and others. I learned that I am enough just the way I am. I deeply value our weekends together and do miss them.