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P. Whittle

I just wanted to say thank you for absolutely everything that I learned from you during the winter session. My baby girl was born very early this morning and very quickly! It only took about three hours from the time my water broke at home until she was delivered. I’ve been continuing the postures from class on my own during the last four weeks and I know it made everything easy and smooth for me.

In about an hour, I went from four centimeters to fully dilated (no epidural for me!). The nurses and doctors couldn’t believe how smoothly everything went on my first baby – especially naturally! But all during labor, I kept remembering things that you said during all the classes and especially during the relaxation portion of each class. I controlled my breath (after a few panicked attempts!) and just went with the flow and fully trusted my body. I relaxed with the contractions and she glided out so effortlessly in the perfect birthing position. The doctors thought that I had a birth plan because I took total control over when I would push and the strength I would use, but I didn’t! My “birth plan” was to repeat over and over in my head everything I learned from you and to reassure my nervous system that everything really was okay and my body does know how to give birth.

It was such a wonderful experience and I can’t thank you enough! I’ll definitely see you next time, Bobby! Thank you again