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Lesson Category: Prenatal

PYC Bonus Content

Description of Bonus Content. The first part of this post will be used in the excerpt

PYC Module 5: Birthing Time Positions

This module introduces the utilization of gravity during the birthing time for easier birth. In each prenatal yoga class poses are included that prepare expectant mommas with the strength, and ease of movement, to birth in positions that allow gravity to do much of the work of childbirth. While it is impossible to know in advance which position will best aid baby to release with ease, having a number of options in your birthing toolbox can be very helpful when baby signals that they are ready to meet their parents on the outside.

Understanding the role of gravity in birthing can also help to reframe common limiting beliefs about birth. For example, unlike North America, many cultures consider a larger baby to result in an easier birthing experience. When I was a new birth doula I was very suprised to hear an Albainan client of mine happily announce that she was relieved to hear that her baby was measuring a little larger than average. When asked why, she replied that all the women in her life say that larger babies work their way downward more energetically, and so birth becomes easier. I had never heard this perspective before, however, it made a lot of sense. In an upright birthing position any extra baby weight would help gravity pull baby down with less work for the birthing body. When birthing in an upright position the work of birth is that of relaxation rather than effort.

PYC Module 4: Yoga Breathing for Wellness & Uterine Function

In module three we explored the impact of yoga breathing on nervous system activation. Module four expands on this general concept. Nervous system activation determines function of all organs and systems, including the uterus. Learning to breath for specific effect can optimize uterine function, and enhance the ability to open and release when baby is ready to arrive.

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