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Lesson Category: Prenatal

PYC Module 3: Your Nervous System and Birth

This module introduces what we consider to be the most important topic of the Shakti birth preparation series. The effectiveness of all other physical, emotional, and mental birth preparation is rooted in utilizing what we know about how the nervous system works. Whether the practice is asana, saying affirmations, reading birth stories, or learning breathing techniques, the benefits are all dependant on the nervous system being activated in a way that promotes healthier pregnancy, and easier birthing.

Module three is organized much like the previous two, however it is here that the process of truly understanding how this program accomplishes its goals begins. Watch the video and then carefully read the topic summary to review and solidify understanding of the content. We recommend that your birth partner also read the nervous system and birth section. When your birth supports understand what the nervous system needs for easier birthing they are better equipped help you receive it.


PYC Module 2: Baby Position & Affirmations

Module two focuses on movements that help baby fall into easy birthing position. The physics of how certain poses help baby fall into position is explained in the module two video, along with a demonstration of what ideal birth position of baby looks like. The neuroscience of affirmations is outlined in the affirmations section, along with a few affirmations to help baby relax into maximum comfort birthing position. Examples of how previous Shakti Yoga birthing parents have used these techniques for maximum birthing comfort are included in the birth stories. Find writing cues to help process and internalize this topic in the journaling section, and finally, make sure you read to the end of this module for some very important baby positioning homework!

PYC Module 1: Laying Foundation & Sitting for Pregnancy Wellness

Module one focuses on laying the foundation for both the birth philosophy, and asana (yoga poses) of the Shakti birth preparation program. Correct sitting alignment is introduced for healthier spine, pelvic floor, and baby position. This will ensure maximum benefit is achieved during the asana portion of each class, and give direction on how to sit at work and home in a way that enhances overall pregnancy wellness. Upon completion of the module one video, read the birth stories provided to help you visualize birth through the experiences of mothers who have successfully used this program to attain more comfortable and joyful birth experiences. The affirmation section provides short imagery triggers that you can repeat silently (or out loud) between modules to help you  internalize and reinforce the teachings from this week. The journaling section introduces why you may choose to journal during your pregnancy, and a few tips to help you get started. This module also has a homework section to help you bring your weekly topic into daily life.

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