Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2025
Quidi Vidi Boat House 10 Clancey Dr, St. John's, NL, Canada4 days of lecture, comprehensive yin yoga instruction manual, ongoing mentorship with instructor. Counts as 40 Yoga Alliance CEUs.
4 days of lecture, comprehensive yin yoga instruction manual, ongoing mentorship with instructor. Counts as 40 Yoga Alliance CEUs.
This 7 class session happens every Monday night from 7:00PM to 8:00PM (NST) at the Quidi Vidi Boathouse.
This 8 class session happens every Tuesday night from 8:30PM to 9:30PM (NST) at the Quidi Vidi Boat House. Classes are available as in-person (spaces limited) or you can attend a live stream class from anywhere via Microsoft Teams.
* Price is prorated for attendees who join mid-session.
This 8 class session happens every Tuesday night from 7:00PM to 8:00PM (NST) at the Quidi Vidi Boat House. Classes are available in-person (spaces limited) or attend live stream classes from anywhere via Microsoft Teams..
2 days of lecture, discussion & practical application. A comprehensive yoga Nidra instruction manual is provided
This 6 class session happens every Monday night from 7:00PM to 8:15PM (NST) at the Quidi Vidi Boathouse ir Live Stream via Microsoft Teams
* Price is prorated for attendees who join mid-session.
This 12 class session happens every Tuesday night from 8:30PM to 9:30PM (NST) at the Quidi Vidi Boathouse. Classes are available as in-person (spaces limited) or you can attend a live stream class from anywhere via Microsoft Teams
* Price is prorated for attendees who join mid-session.
This 12 class session happens every Tuesday night from 7:00PM to 8:00PM (NST) at the Quidi Vidi Boathouse. Classes are available in-person (spaces limited) or attend live stream classes from anywhere via Microsoft Teams. Each class is recorded, and made available to attendees for 1 week.
This 6 class session happens every Monday night from 7:00PM to 8:15PM (NST) at the Boathouse at Quidi Vidi.
* Price is prorated for attendees who join mid-session.
This is an 8 hour workshop. The session is recorded, and made available to attendees for 1 week.