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Two Reasons to Make Neurogenic Yoga a Regular Part of Your Life

Neurogenic yoga is best known as a powerful means of releasing long held tensions and traumas. For some this might imply that the benefits would be solely for those with large traumatic experiences to release. Neurogenic tremoring however can be helpful in a much broader context. Here are a couple of new ways to think about this life changing yoga practice.

Wellness Maintenance:
As humans we tend to forget that for all our accomplishments, we are still mammals. It is in our nature to move on all levels, from atoms, to systems, to organisms. When we don’t move, imbalance happens. We frequently hold ourselves in an immobile state physically, mentally and/or emotionally. Just as one would get up in the morning and stretch muscles and fascia after hours of being in one position, tremoring regularly allows the nervous system and body tissues to reset and become more functional. This is why neurogenic yoga is suggested to be done as a regular home practice once an initial period of study with a certified instructor has been completed.

Illness Prevention:
This concept has been phrased in a number of ways by various wellness professionals, however Gabor Mate summed it up beautifully with the phrase “If we don’t listen when the body whispers, it will eventually begin to scream”. Meaning that if we do not respond when the body is asking for attention with mild symptom signals, we will eventually have to face consequences in the form of more serious physical and mental llness. Neurogenic yoga teaches us to listen to the whispers of the body, and to reset and rebalance before the body/mind has any reason to “scream”.

If you are interested in trying Neurogenic Yoga for the first time, or you are an experienced student feeling the need for a return to wholeness and goodness, check out Bobby’s Monday evening Neurogenic Yoga classes. An opportunity to shake it all off before sinking into a puddle of sweet restorative savasana bliss. What better way to set you up for a fabulous rest of the week!



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