Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
Next St. John’s training dates TBA. Contact to host this training in your area.
St. John’s NL, In-person at 10 Clancy Drive, Quidi Vidi Boathouse. Live stream option also available. Contact Bobby to host this training in your area.
$1200+hst ($1380) CAD. $300 deposit required upon registration
10 days of lecture, comprehensive prenatal yoga instruction manual, prenatal yoga nidra scripts & MP3s, and ongoing mentorship with instructor. Ability to register with Yoga Alliance as RPYT for RYTs.
Will open when next training dates announced.
Shakti Yoga teacher trainings and workshops are taught in various locations within Canada, and internationally. Host this workshop in your area and save the cost of travelling to learn. Contact to discuss specific details on hosting this or other workshops and trainings.
Who’s This Program For?
Childbirth professionals working with pregnant women who wish to complement their professional work. This would include doulas, midwives, nurses, doctors, childbirth educators, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, massage therapists, therapists, etc.
Pregnant women who would like to deepen their understanding of prenatal wellness, optimize their experience of pregnancy and develop skills to create a peaceful and yes, even Enjoyable birth experience
Anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of prenatal yoga & birth preparation. This includes those wanting to effectively support friends or family members during pregnancy and birth experiences.
Teachers of yoga who want to deepen their understanding of the prenatal experience and develop confidence teaching prenatal classes. RYTs will qualify to register with Yoga Alliance as RPYT.
Those wanting to become a RPYT (85 Hours)
About The Program
Comprehensive Manual
Prenatal Yoga Nidra Scripts and MP3s
Prenatal yoga benefits and precautions
Anatomy & physiology of pregnancy
Approaches for supporting emotional changes during pregnancy
Considerations for each trimester
Common prenatal conditions
Asana for specific pregnancy discomforts and birth preparation
Asana for early labour and to promote optimal baby position
Vinyasa, gentle, and restorative approaches.
Using props and modifications in a prenatal class
Chakras; Pregnancy and the energetic body
Sequences for prenatal yoga classes & how to create your own
Practical teaching and assisting experience
Ongoing mentoring support
Pranayama for pregnancy and birth.
Visualization and meditations for expectant mothers
Mantra and affirmations for prenatal mothers
Language analysis and usage for prenatal classes
Specific cues, breaths, and movement to direct the nervous system.
Incorporating birth education into prenatal yoga classes
Using birth stories to prepare and empower
Prenatal partner yoga.
Birth education for couples
Teaching comfort techniques for labor
Stages of labour and delivery
Pelvic floor anatomy
Postnatal core and diastasis recti considerations
Pelvic floor recovery exercises and myths
Postnatal recovery asana and precautions
Approaches to support physical, mental, emotional postpartum needs
Mantra, affirmations and nidras for postpartum coping and healing
Incorporating baby into yoga recovery
Program Requirements
Applicants should:
Have some yoga experience, and/or experience supporting pregnant women in any setting. Contact for clarification.
Graduates will receive a certificate showing they have successfully completed the Shakti Yoga Method 85-hour Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training. Graduates may register with Yoga Alliance as a RPYT.
Certification Requirements include:
Attend 10 days of lecture, asana, and teaching practice.
Read Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth & submit book review.*Text may vary with specific program
Submit prenatal yoga class plan, peer observation forms, practicum class video, and instruct one peer class exchange
Program Format Below Specific to programs held in St. John’s:
St. John’s program format broken into 3 components that combine to meet 85 hour requirements to qualify for registration with Yoga Alliance as a RPYT.
1. Four-day/two weekends (4 days) Lecture series
2. Two-day Shakti Yoga Nidra Teacher Training
3. Participation in two 24-class prenatal session (1.5 hours/1x weekly for 12 weeks). First 12 classes for observation & questions, second 12 classes require some practical teaching experience. These 3 segments are priced individually and can be done in any order. Contact for more details.

BOBBY BESSEY, B.Sc., RYT 500, RPYT, CD (DONA), HBCE (HypnoBirthing Educator)
Bobby Bessey, B.Sc., E-RYT 500, RPYT, Doula CD(DONA), HBCE (HypnoBirthing Educator) is the creator and director of Shakti Yoga Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training and co-director of Yoga Teacher Training Newfoundland & Labrador, both Yoga Alliance registered teacher trainings. The Shakti Prenatal Yoga Method is a proven method that Bobby now trains teachers to instruct worldwide.
Bobby specializes in prenatal yoga classes and birth education. After years of yoga study and instruction Bobby became pregnant with her first son and immediately recognized the profound impact that a yoga practice can have on prenatal health and well-being. In addition to over a decade of instructing prenatal and postnatal yoga classes, Bobby is a birth doula, HypnoBirthing instructor, registered prenatal yoga instructor (RYPT), and a mother of two. Bobby draws on a background of yoga instruction, birth support, and hypnosis-based birth education to create a training that provides participants with a multi-faceted approach to supporting mothers-to-be. She enjoys combining her love of anatomy and physiology with the spiritual aspects of pregnancy and birth for an informational and balanced prenatal perspective. Her passion for making pregnancy and birth the enjoyable and sacred experience it is meant to be is conveyed in her joyous approach to teaching prenatal, birth and motherhood related classes.
Yes! This training exceeded my expectations. I practiced prenatal yoga when I was expecting but it did not include all the birth education. I think that would have been life changing for me. I want to combine birth education with yoga and this training was more than I thought I would get (but I shouldn’t be surprised since I did the 200 hr TT and know what positive intentions and knowledge you have!!). I feel prepared but need to get more practice to get into the groove.
The most beneficial parts: doing the class as a participant; seeing the resources you use (posters, pelvis
models, diagrams); having the training manual; discussionTara CornickYoga Teacher