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Eight Reasons to do Yoga Online

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The recent need to stay inside due to Covid-19 means that many yoga enthusiasts have had to move from studio to online classes.  While it is true that online classes are not the same as the in-studio experience, they do come with some special perks of their own. If you are wondering whether an online class may be right for you, read on for some of the unexpected joys that my students have shared with me since I transferred to a live streaming option.

  1. PJs welcome! Tired from all day at work and wish you could change into your pajamas but it is yoga night? No problem. Yoga at home has no dress code. If you are working from home you may have been in them all day anyhow!
  2. Relieve stress. Something we need to do more than ever right now. The onslaught of news coverage, and worries about loved ones mean that our usual anxiety load is higher than usual. Yoga breathing and meditation studies repeatedly show a powerful impact on the nervous system.
  3. No sitter? Want to introduce yoga to a family member? Online yoga is your solution. Bringing yoga into your home provides a little window into what yoga is all about for hesitant partners or friends. Kids can be put to bed before class, or join in as you move through your practice.
  4. Stay active at home. My students are telling me that even if they are doing the same job at home, they are not moving to and from work, up and down stairs, etc. This means they may be doing significantly less moving than before. The fitbit does not lie!
  5. Savasana followed by proximity to your bed! For my students, this is the most commonly swooned about aspect of doing yoga at home. Especially in a Canadian Winter when going home after class frequently requires one to first scrape frozen rain or snow off the windshield.
  6. Maintain your regular schedule. For some, this alone can ease the anxiety of a sudden upheaval like many of us are experiencing right now. Another perk is that it may help you remember what day of the week it is!
  7. Missed a class? No Problem. Each studio or teacher will have their own policies on this. If you miss a class ask your teacher if there is a link available to a recording. You may be able to do it at a more convenient time for you.
  8. Support a local studio or teacher. Small businesses are struggling right now. While some are fortunate to be able to work from home others are not. If you are in St. John’s and find yourself in a position to support a local business check out the  Guide to the Good website for an easy and efficient way to find local services via  this keyword searchable platform.


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