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Couples Birth Preparation Workshop

Couples Birth Preparation Workshop


    Sunday, June 8 (9am-12pm)


    St. John’s Royal Regatta Boathouse (10 Clancy Drive, St. John’s, NL). Live stream option also available.


    $120 +HST ($138) CAD per couple


    Three-hour interactive session for mom and birth partner. Birth Partner may be Dad, Mom, Friend, Mother or anyone else who will be supporting Mom during pregnancy and birthing time.


    Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a pen and notebook. 


    Space is limited so register now and reserve yours.

Private sessions can be booked by contacting to schedule a convenient time. ($300 +HST) for private session. In-person in St. John’s or live stream. Evening time slots available for Asia.


    Shakti Yoga teacher trainings and workshops are taught in various locations within Canada, and internationally. Host this workshop in your area and save the cost of travelling to learn. Contact to discuss specific details on hosting this or other workshops and trainings.

Who is This Workshop For?

  • Expectant parents from 12 weeks to delivery and their support partner.

About The Workshop

Birth happens most comfortably and effectively when Mom feels safe in her birthing environment, and when she is supported by people who are in tune with her birthing needs. This training will help Mom and birth partner feel prepared and confident about their birthing and early postpartum period. 

Expectant mothers may feel apprehensive about their ability to birth with ease. This training covers techniques to practice together prenatally to enhance prenatal, birthing, and postnatal experiences. Mothers will leave confident in their ability to birth with maximum comfort and calm. Birth partners will leave empowered by the knowledge and skills provided to keep Mom birthing most effectively during the birthing time.

Each session will introduce  birth education topics, birth videos, and practical labour support techniques. This is a bonding workshop for moms, dads & birth supports to build skills, confidence, and enhance the connections of your growing family. Both parents, and birth supports will leave this workshop feeling confident and empowered as birthing day approaches!

This workshop provides:

  • Birth videos to illustrate various birthing positions to fully prepare both parents for the birthing experience.

  • Practicing hands-on birth support massage, touch, and cues for the birth partner to add to their birth partner tool box.
  • Exploring the Birth Partner role, what they need to watch for & how to respond to ensure birth moves along with maximum comfort.
  • Impact of language, specifically birth language, on Mom’s birthing body and mind.
  • How to speak to a birthing momma to keeps her in para-sympathetic NS relaxation.
  • Birth plan pros and cons, and things to consider adding (or leaving out).
  • Local hospital routines
  • Things to put in your birthing bag.
  • Early birthing at home suggestions.
  • Post birth considerations.
  • Topics are also influenced by the questions asked as we move through.


BOBBY BESSEY, B.Sc., RYT 500, RPYT, CD (DONA), HBCE (HypnoBirthing Educator)

Bobby Bessey, B.Sc., E-RYT 500, RPYT, Doula CD(DONA), HBCE (HypnoBirthing Educator) is the creator and director of Shakti Yoga Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training and co-director of Yoga Teacher Training Newfoundland & Labrador, both Yoga Alliance registered teacher trainings. The Shakti Prenatal Yoga Method is a proven method that Bobby now trains teachers to instruct worldwide.

Bobby specializes in prenatal yoga classes and birth education. After years of yoga study and instruction Bobby became pregnant with her first son and immediately recognized the profound impact that a yoga practice can have on prenatal health and well-being. In addition to over a decade of instructing prenatal and postnatal yoga classes, Bobby is a birth doula, HypnoBirthing instructor, registered prenatal yoga instructor (RYPT), and a mother of two. Bobby  draws on a background of yoga instruction, birth support, and hypnosis-based birth education to create a training that provides participants with a multi-faceted approach to supporting mothers-to-be. She enjoys combining her love of anatomy and physiology with the spiritual aspects of pregnancy and birth for an informational and balanced prenatal perspective. Her passion for making pregnancy and birth the enjoyable and sacred experience it is meant to be is conveyed in her joyous approach to teaching prenatal, birth and motherhood related classes.
