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Couples Birth Preparation Workshop

Couples Birth Preparation Workshop


    Sunday, June 8 (9am-12pm)


    St. John’s Royal Regatta Boathouse (10 Clancy Drive, St. John’s, NL). Live stream option also available.


    $120 +HST ($138) CAD per couple


    Three-hour interactive session for mom and birth partner. Birth Partner may be Dad, Mom, Friend, Mother or anyone else who will be supporting Mom during pregnancy and birthing time.


    Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a pen and notebook. 


    Space is limited so register now and reserve yours.

Register Now For This Workshop

Private sessions can be booked by contacting to schedule a convenient time. ($300 +HST) for private session. In-person in St. John’s or live stream. Evening time slots available for Asia.


Shakti Yoga teacher trainings and workshops are taught in various locations within Canada, and internationally. Host this workshop in your area and save the cost of travelling to learn. Contact to discuss specific details on hosting this or other workshops and trainings.

Who is This Workshop For?

Expectant parents from 12 weeks to delivery and their support partner.

About The Workshop

Birth happens most comfortably and effectively when Mom feels safe in her birthing environment, and when she is supported by people who are in tune with her birthing needs. This training will help Mom and birth partner feel prepared and confident about their birthing and early postpartum period. 

Expectant mothers may feel apprehensive about their ability to birth with ease. This training covers techniques to practice together prenatally to enhance prenatal, birthing, and postnatal experiences. Mothers will leave confident in their ability to birth with maximum comfort and calm. Birth partners will leave empowered by the knowledge and skills provided to keep Mom birthing most effectively during the birthing time.

Each session will introduce  birth education topics, birth videos, and practical labour support techniques. This is a bonding workshop for moms, dads & birth supports to build skills, confidence, and enhance the connections of your growing family. Both parents, and birth supports will leave this workshop feeling confident and empowered as birthing day approaches!

This workshop provides:

  • Birth videos to illustrate various birthing positions to fully prepare both parents for the birthing experience.

  • Practicing hands-on birth support massage, touch, and cues for the birth partner to add to their birth partner tool box.
  • Exploring the Birth Partner role, what they need to watch for & how to respond to ensure birth moves along with maximum comfort.
  • Impact of language, specifically birth language, on Mom’s birthing body and mind.
  • How to speak to a birthing momma to keeps her in para-sympathetic NS relaxation.
  • Birth plan pros and cons, and things to consider adding (or leaving out).
  • Local hospital routines
  • Things to put in your birthing bag.
  • Early birthing at home suggestions.
  • Post birth considerations.
  • Topics are also influenced by the questions asked as we move through.



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Neurogenic Yoga 1-Day Workshop



    Sunday, June 2nd, 9-5pm (12-1 lunch)


    Quidi Vidi boathouse, 10 Clancy Drive, St. John’s, NL. Contact to host this workshop in your area. *Live Stream participation option available. 


    $149CAD + 15% HST 


    This workshop provides:

    • Breathing techniques to trigger calm by  activating the vagus nerve.
    • One Guided relaxation (yoga nidra) 
    • Two neurogenic yoga practices
    • Intermittant Information presentation to deepen understanding of how Neurogenic yoga is unique in its ability to release stress, tension, and trauma.
    • Opportunity for discussion and questions.
    • A full day of retreat from daily activity with a focus on nurturing your body and mind in a bright and beautiful setting.
    • Ability to join live stream if preferred.

    Yoga mat, pillows, blanket, notebook, pen

    Space is limited so register now and reserve yours.

Register Now For This Workshop


Shakti Yoga teacher trainings and workshops are taught in various locations within Canada, and internationally. Host this workshop in your area and save the cost of travelling to learn. Contact to discuss specific details on hosting this or other workshops and trainings.

Who’s This Workshop For?

  • Anyone interested in a day of deep relaxation.
  • Anyone wanting to learn how to release the stress from their days and weeks to maintain long term healthy nervous system balance.
  • Neurogenic Yoga™ is especially suitable for those experiencing chronic pain, daily stress & long held tension, and PTSD. 
  • Absolutely no yoga experience is needed. Any movement portions will be gentle, and have chair yoga variation options offered if needed. The final Neurogenic pose involves lying on your yoga mat.
  • Appropriate for any adult, of any age, of any activity level. If you have a body and enjoy feeling good this workshop is for you.

About The Workshop

Did you know that the psoas muscle, along with other muscles involved in nervous system activation, can hold tension and trauma long after a stressor or trauma has ended? Neurogenic yoga is a revolutionary technique that awakens the body’s instinctive tremoring response to restore wholeness after stressful and traumatic events. Unfortunately this unconscious muscle contraction is conditioned out of us at an early age due to societal constructs that see shaking and tremoring as showing vulnerability or weakness.

This is a one day workshop of deep personal exploration. Learn how the nervous system and body tissue can hold anxiety, practice tension and trauma release techniques, and enjoy a day of deep relaxation.

This workshop provides:

  • Lecture
  • Breathing techniques
  • Guided relaxation (yoga nidra)
  • Two neurogenic yoga practices
  • Discussion



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Breathe For Wellness Workshop

Three Hour Pranayama WORKSHOP


    Workshop dates TBA. Contact if you’d like to be notified when dates are scheduled.

    In Person at Yoga Kula Cooperative (286 Torbay Rd St. John’s, NL)


    $99 + HST ($113.99) CAD.


    8 hour session

    Yoga mat, pillows, blanket, notebook, pen

    Contact to be notified of the next scheduled session.


Shakti Yoga teacher trainings and workshops are taught in various locations within Canada, and internationally. Host this workshop in your area and save the cost of travelling to learn.

Another benefit of hosting a training is that you (or a member of your studio/workplace) are able to participate in the training free once the minimum number of registrants is met.

Please contact to discuss specific details on hosting this or other workshops and trainings.

  • hatha-yoga

  • prenatal-couples

  • prenatal-yoga

  • mom-and-baby

  • birth-education

  • beginner-yoga

  • DSCF0423

  • DSCF0600

Who’s This Workhop For?

This session is for everyone with lungs! Session can be done on a mat, or on a chair. Absolutely no yoga experience necessary. During pose portions variations will be provided for all. If you can breathe you can join this workshop!

About The Workshop

Pranayama (Yoga Breathing Techniques) have long been considered one of the most powerful aspects of a yoga practice. Ancient texts clearly indicate that one should only begin the process of pranayama exploration with an experienced teacher. This caution was attributed to pranayama’s impact on every system in the physical, as well as mental, emotional, and energetic bodies.

The benefits ascribed to practicing pranayama throughout history have been extensive and profound. Modern day science has now given us opportunity to discover how and why these effects occur, and which techniques can be applied to impact specific conditions. Learn how to use pranayama to optimize the health and wellness of yourself, and your loved ones, in this three hour workshop that digs into the traditions of pranayama, and the modern day science that supports and expands upon this ancient science of breath.

This is a three hour workshop that will present the newest science perspectives on the ancient practices of pranayama. The information will be presented in an interactive format that will include performing asana and pranayama techniques to internalize the impact of these powerful breathing methods. Find out how breathing poorly can result in, or exacerbate, various immune and cardiac dysfunction, as well as common issues such as snoring, sleep apnea, post-covid/virus symptoms, and sinus complaints, to name a few. The great news is that just as we can breathe ourselves into illness, we can also breathe our way out. Ancient and modern insights are combined in this session to help you pay attention to your breath and learn how to utilize it for good!

  • Lecture
  • Breathing techniques
  • Guided relaxation (yoga nidra)
  • Two neurogenic yoga practices
  • Discussion

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