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Calming Adapotgenic Tea

An Elixor to Melt Stress and Help You Sleep Better

Adaptogenic Ashwagandha Tea

Whether you need a daytime calm infusion, or a nighttime sleep-ease this warm soothing drink is for you.


Most of the ingredients in this mixture of ayurvedic remedies can probaby be found in your kitchen already. Dates, almonds, and healthy oils are easy to find and great options to ease stress and anxiety year-round. However, in the winter months when cold temperatures and dry air bring vata energy even more out of balance, the impact of this beverge is needed even more. For added calming impact I have also added the herb Ashwagandha to this recipe.

This is where you may need to leave your house and pop out to your closest health food store. Ashwaganda is also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. It’s botanical name is withania somnifera. It has been used medicinally in Ayurveda for centuries. Recent studies indicate it can play a role in decreasing anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders. Much research is also currently being done on its’ antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing, thyroid balancing, and many other effects (Braun & Cohen, Herbs & Natural Supplements, 2015).

This herb is known as an adaptogen, meaning that it supports our immune and neuroendocrine processes by adapting to the current needs of the body to promote balance! This ability to create a non-specific response depending on our unique requirements is one reason why it helps us decrease anxiety and cope with stress so effectively. It brings us “back to the middle” and at some point we all need little of that.


Adaptogenic Tea Ingredients:
1 tsp ashwagandha powder
1 date (or your favourite sweetener, honey, agave, etc to taste)
2-3 almonds (can skip if you are using nut milk)
1 c hot water (or warm almond/nut milk)
1 tbs of coconut oil/ghee or combination of both (optional, but adds creaminess and brain feeding oils)
¼ tsp vanilla
Pinch of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and sea salt (all optional)
*If I feel like a chocolate version I add 1 tbs of cocoa powder. You may need more sweetener.

Combine all ingredients at high speed in your vitamix or smaller blender.


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